Preventing Suicide In Youth

Group of teenagers posing

Preventing Suicide In Youth

More Australian males die from suicide each year, than those who die in road accidents. In 2010, citing the most recent figures available, 2191 people took their own lives, while the annual road toll has now fallen below 1400[1].

The facts and extent of the issue are not widely known because of social and cultural prohibitions. As a result, suicide is not considered a public health issue, therefore, very little government mental health funding finds its way into the area of early intervention and community based prevention programs.

PSY has been established to advocate, support and educate in response to the serious and complex issue of youth suicide.

Following a series of youth suicides, two 18 year old young people established a Facebook page called “Coming Together to Prevent Youth Suicide”. The high interaction on their posts has resulted in 17,000 members, proving that young people are highly interested in engaging with one another when in crisis. This has sparked a national debate around the use of social media, in crisis, and the silence and stigma of speaking out about suicide.

In 2 Life recognises the sensitivities in discussing suicide publicly and therefore is providing support and guidance to those youth who currently have access to internet support services through our Facebook Group.

You can access our Facebook Group via the link directly below:

The following organisations can be contacted for support and understanding.

National Suicide Call Back Service:

Life Line:

Kids Help Line Teens:


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

1300 463 686


450 Pulteney Street

Adelaide SA 5000

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