Contact Us

Group of teenagers

Contacting In 2 Life

South Australia (Head Office)

Address: 450 Pulteney St Adelaide SA 5000

Phone: 1300 463 686


You can also use the form on the lower left side of this page to send general enquiries to In 2 Life.

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In 2 Life operates branches across Australia in partnership with community centres, associations and religious organizations.

Effecting the franchise model, In 2 Life is able to provide information and the training necessary to establish a mentoring program in your location.

If you are considering a mentoring program as the way of establishing or developing a new or existing youth program, please contact us in the State near you.

National Head Office

Address: 450 Pulteney St Adelaide SA 5000

Phone: 1300 463 686


South Australia:

Employment Services

(Work for the Dole Offices)


3 Charlotte St, Smithfield 5114

Phone: 0499 467 454


3 Butler Dr, Hendon SA 5014

Phone: 0481 461 998


Victorian State Office

11 Clarence Street East Bentleigh 3165

Phone: 1300 463 686

Preventing Suicide in Youth (PSY) Office

12 Arundel St, Vic 3977 Nichole Hussey

Phone: 0421 404 554

New South Wales:

Hunter Valley

Sue Prosser

Phone: 0410 586 543

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

1300 463 686


450 Pulteney Street

Adelaide SA 5000

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© 2024 In 2 Life Inc